Sunday, November 8, 2009

Trying to keep up..

Well, welcome back to everybody!

Today's title is not technically quite correct, because I was not even trying to keep up. Life got on the way. I am actually really happy to be able to do this again as I have a feeling that there is so much going on and I don't know about it. I guess this was the main reason I ended up in the library industry.

I've updated the look of my blog and added a couple of gadgets. Easy.

I have not blogged almost at all since completing the Web 2.0 last year. I've only read several blogs and only from the Sydney Morning Herald website. I believe I commented twice and that is all. It's not really for lack of wanting to, but basically a lack of time to do anything that is not necessary. However, having said that, one of the best things about blogs is their transient nature and the fact that they are basically unedited. The ones containing opinions are great as they do alleviate the feeling that we are all alone. There is always somebody out there just like us!